DeFi & NFT Chat with Crypto Bharat

11 min readJun 15, 2021


Rahul Contractwala,

Welcome to Crypto Bharat @TRCENTRALEX and @phnxbr ! A pleasure to have you with us today 😄


Hi everyone, it is a pleasure to be here :)


Hi everyone!

abhisΞk | CryptoPlayers,

Welcome 🙏

Rahul Contractwala,

Without spending any more time, let’s begin with the introductory round.

Rahul Contractwala,

Can you give us a brief introduction about CentraleX and its founding team members?


Hi everyone! My name is Tristan Roozendaal and I am the CEO of Centralex. I have been working in the I.T sector for approx. 15 years from building network infrastructures to complete datacenters. I joined the crypto world back in 2017 when I started building my own mining rigs which expanded to a medium size mining farm with over 150 mining rigs in Hong Kong. My goal is to take Centralex to the next level by introducing methods of mass adoption with ease of use in crypto transactions by using the Centralex Exchange.


Hello everyone! My name is Dmitry Dyachkov.

I’ve been a Software Developer for 18 years with my specialties in backend, security, and high load applications. I’ve been working in the Finance industry for 7 years. I used to work for Gatecoin cryptocurrency exchange based in Hong Kong and now I am the CTO/Head of Development at Centralex. Since I joined this amazing organization, we have established totally new processes and a super team to bring Centralex and the cryptocurrency industry to the next level by implementing revolutionary technology.


Centralex got a strong international team of developers and partners from the finance world.

Our team is from, India, Russia, Netherlands, England, and South Africa

Rahul Contractwala,

That’s a fantastic background. Looks like both founders are quite experienced in the tech industry.


Yes, that is correct :)

Rahul Contractwala,

Can you tell us a bit about the Centralex token and how it can be used?


Sure, Centralex is not a regular exchange token. The CenX token is a utility token and can be used for trading discounts up to 25% and these discounted transactional fees will be shared with our staking holders. But there is more, CenX is also a governance token where we want the community to be involved in certain topics on our exchange for example token listings. Centralex token is also a deflationary token, and this will be halved every year according to the Bitcoin schedule.

To keep it short and simple. Main contract 500M tokens will be minted, staking contract and Governance contract and all these contracts are audited by please see our public audit report.

Rahul Contractwala,

Fantastic! The audit is a very essential part of security indeed

Now for the next question

Rahul Contractwala,

Can you tell us, what Custo Defi is all about?


Yes, that's correct… There are so many projects that don't even bother looking at security and just being blind-sighted.


Ohh yes for sure, Custo-Defi is our baby and secret sauce but I’m more than happy to share this Centralex product.

Rahul Contractwala,

Absolutely true. It is good to know that even as a new exchange, Centralex has taken the initiative to ensure security :)

Rahul Contractwala,

Sounds interesting. Please tell us more


We go deep into security just to make sure everything is safe :) But time to come back to your Custo-DeFi question :)

Custo-DeFi is a new concept created by our Centralex team. The name says it already, Custodial DeFi. How does this work? You have Centralized exchanges who are a custodial service where you store all your assets and private keys. If you want to stake, governance or join any other DeFi solution you need to transfer your funds to a DeFi (Web3) wallet. When we talk about a DEX we know that you are 100% in control over your own wallets and funds and are able to do P2P transactions. We are Centralex put both CEX and DEX into one platform called Custo-DeFi. This allows you as a user to use the full custodial safety from a CEX but has the freedom of a DEX. This allows you to stake, govern, and participate in any other DeFi solution on the market including trading on UniSwap or any other decentralized exchange. This all thanks to our partner who is providing us Centralex the best wallet technology in the industry with their Multi sig MPC wallet technology. Centralex will NEVER store your private keys on any of our servers!


Iit is really a one of a kind Custodial Defi Solution

With our technology, you are able to trade on a DEX with the comfort and security of a CEX

Rahul Contractwala,

Innovative concept indeed 👌

Rahul Contractwala,

That was it for the introductory round. Shall we head on to the Twitter round now?


Sure :)

Rahul Contractwala,

Great! So here goes the first question

What is the strongest advantage that you think will make this team lead the market? in contrast, what weaknesses do you have and how does the team plan to overcome them?


That is a very good question. The Crypto transactions space has evolved over the years! Centralex brings you a combination of technology, scalability, adoption, and more importantly user convenience on managing transactions, based on the fundamental tenets of anonymity and security like confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Every element of the overall platform is designed to achieve one or more of these principles. All rolled up into an easy-to-use platform. The problem we are trying to solve is to overcome the steep curve of crypto adoption to make it simpler for the end-user and bring crypto to everyone. This all won't be possible with our super talented team of developers who devoted their lives to the Centralex project. Our key advantage is that last Friday we got approved by the European Union with our Estonian crypto exchange and crypto wallet license.

The weaknesses we had to overcome was finding the right people who would fit in our team. We are all very passionate and love what we do.

Rahul Contractwala,

Great to know! It’s very essential to have a highly passionate team to attain the optimal product

Now for the next question

Almost 80% of investors have just focused on the price of tokens in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?


Good question, Centralex got strategic partners like Fireblocks, Simplex, Chainalysis, Shufti Pro, but also a very important Australian bank Royal Pay who will provide all our clients who passed their KYC and AML on our platform with a multi-currency bank account directly on the Centralex exchange where people can do crypto trading but also doing their traditional finance as a one-stop-shop. We are a very unique platform as one of a kind. To ensure that we at Centralex won't do any dumps or rug pull we are using TrustSwap as our custodial partner where we will lock all our Team tokens and liquidity tokens.

We are here to stay... We are here to bank the unbanked Centralex style :)

By the end of this year, we will be deploying across south Africa over 100 Crypto ATMs where customers can do their onboarding direct on the ATM machine.

Centralex is much more than just a regular exchange.. :)

Rahul Contractwala

Crypto ATMs, that’s another big step towards major adoption of crypto!

It looks like CentraleX has a lot of plans to go big 😁


My grandfather always told me… Tristan, go big or go home :)

Rahul Contractwala,

Wise words indeed 💫

Rahul Contractwala,

Now for the third question for this round

Why should I use centralex when there are so many other reputed and regulated options available?

@BusyBeej17 @godeLives @Michell70966868


Centralex is a regulated exchange please see our registration number: 14559308 which can be viewed at, But Centralex is not just a normal exchange. The exchange itself is not the keystone as many others would suggest, we offer an L2 project on our ecosystem to make the Centralex platform a one-stop-shop.

Rahul Contractwala,

That’s great to know! Regulation is important

Now for the next question

The roadmap serves to give a basis to the project, to know where it is and what to do to get where it wants to go. So has your project managed to establish a roadmap? Could you tell me about your next goals for this year?


We as no other understand that having a realistic road map is important. Q2 we are planning to deploy our staking, governance, and utility portal but also at the same time, we will be deploying our mobile application.

We are also working on refining our launchpad so that in Q3 we can accept other projects on our launchpad as an incubator.

Following the trend is important and that's why we are also developing an NFT after-sale marketplace, lending portal.

By the end of Q4, we will complete our margin trading NFT liquidity pool and crypto ATM roll-out.

Rahul Contractwala,

Looks like a combination of multiple innovative features combined into one exchange.


Yes, this is all combined under the umbrella of the L2 ecosystem.


yes :D

Rahul Contractwala,

Now for the final question of this round

Who is your investor? How do you generate revenue to sustain the project? What are your goals to the end of 2021 and beyond?


We have a few VC’s onboard who are supporting Centralex financial. At this moment we are only allowed to disclose one out of 4 and that one is zzcapital

We also have strategic partners who are key components of our platform.

Since we are an exchange, we generate income through trading but also all the side businesses we are having like launchpads, DeFi products, and much more.

Rahul Contractwala,

Great to know!

That was it for the Twitter round.

Rahul Contractwala,

Shall we open the group for the community to post their questions now?


sure :D

Community Questions:

Temitope Awoyinka,

How do you consider SECURITY and AUDITS as CENTRALEX smart contract AUDITED. Is the community safe and secured?


We have passed the security audit for smart contracts by And we have a dedicated pen-testers team to research our infrastructure


Can newbies with little cryptographic knowledge be able to successfully Use, trust & invest on your platform?


This is the whole point of Centralex. We make onboarding and educating simple but at the same time, we are also building trading tools with social trading features implemented.


What are the unique points of your staking program compared with other crypto projects? Why should I choose $Cenx for staking?


A unique point is an algorithm for fair reward distribution. Once a staker has deposited the token in the staking contract he will be accrued with rewards coming from trading engine rewards every time period


As I mentioned during the AMA we are able thanks to our banking partner Royal pay who is a NEObank offering customer multi-currency bank accounts under 1 roof


Can newbies with little cryptographic knowledge be able to successfully Use, trust & invest on your platform?


No, it will not be required. This is our aim to make it simple as banking for newcomers.


Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that make it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?


Custodial DeFi, traditional banking under a cryptocurrency exchange, crypto ATM rollout by the end of this year.

Bal Pakna,

How do you plan to show the world that your product is not just a useless blockchain solution to a non-existing problem?


We see it as our opportunity because we also see this as a problem that there is no practical solution on the market.

We plan to develop a set of utility projects from lending and borrowing to pay rent.


We are partnered with where we will put all our Team tokens but most important our Liquidity tokens once we launched on UniSwap where we will put 60% of our raised capital back into a liquidity pool.

Crypto Devil,

Staking is a new trend. What are the staking options for Centralex tokens? Is there any way to encourage betting? Can you give me more information about the token metrics and what are the various ways to obtain Centralex tokens?


The Staking option is to get rewards from trading and fees coming through our program across the trading engine and fees. Once a user has staked, the accruals start to be added according to the deposited amount.

Ip💥💞 Man,

Are you planning to promote your project in countries/regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?


Yes, we are global and we will localize our solutions in many languages

Ah Lum,

What do you think about NFT? Do you have any plan for implant NFT on your ecosystem?


We have it in our roadmap


How can I buy your token? Currently, is it available on Exchanges?


This is available on our launchpad. The exchange is to go live soon.

Dan Dan,

Which area you are the focus on now? Can you share, your top priorities in 2021?


We are focusing on Layer 2 solutions and all DeFi products under a custodial umbrella.

Matcha Tea,

DeFi is great. But for DeFi, the gas fee is crazy high on Ethereum. So, any plan to move on BSC or other layer-2 solution?DeFi is great. But for DeFi, the gas fee is crazy high on Ethereum. So, any plan to move on BSC or other layer-2 solution?


We are going to use scalable side chains to make the fee as low as possible.

Hasama Livo,

I’m a developer, and I’m interested in contributing to your project alongside earning, Do you have any Bug Bounty to check for vulnerabilities ??


You can always send me a DM... We are always looking for talented developers :)

Tun Tin,

I am an EXPERIENCED DEVELOPER AND ETHICAL HACKER, do you have plans for HACKATHON so as to check the security of your ecosystem periodically and also invite developers to build?


No, we don’t plan to do this as long as we already have pentesters team.

Dan Dan,

I was exploring your website and I couldn’t find your roadmap. Do you have one? Could you share it? I am curious to know your plans and strategies for 2021.


Tun Tin,

I am an EXPERIENCED DEVELOPER AND ETHICAL HACKER, do you have plans for HACKATHON so as to check the security of your ecosytem periodically and also invite developers to build?


No, we don’t plan to do this as long as we already have pentesters team


NFT is really trending topic now in the market. So, how does Your project plan to onboard the development of NFTs, and how do Your project plan to combine it with DeFi?


Yes, NFTs are very popular. We are going to add NFT minting functions to our smart contract and follow the market trend while building all our other DeFi features.

I would like to thank everyone who attended this AMA!

For the people who want to stay on top of the latest news please join the Centralex community

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Centralex is a Hong Kong based international cryptocurrency exchange. With a global vision in mind and an international office footprint spanning two continents